Looking Forward

>> Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

A quick look at how we did on our goals last year. We tried some new veggies, most we liked, others we’ll try again, maybe a different way. Because some of our detailed financial data for 2009 was lost, I don’t know exactly what was saved on food, but I'm sure we did save some. We had times of illness or busy schedules that brought us to eating out, but we made efforts to do so less often. I'll call it a success.

"The Lord says, ‘Forget about what has happened before. Do not think about the past. Instead, look at the new thing I am going to do.’” Isaiah 43:18-19

Last year was a tough year for our family and we are looking forward to what God will do this year.

We will continue adding more fresh produce into our diets, including trying some of those we weren't excited about before. To help us with this goal we have joined 2 CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture). They are local farms in which we share a risk/benefit. Both use organic farming practices. One is a work only, very close to home, that also has honey and grains. We will be working during the farming season at the farm a few hours each week in exchange for food. The other is a pay only near hubby’s work, which also has free range eggs and chicken for purchase. While we are not required to work at this one (just pick up our produce on the scheduled day), we will be allowed to work and plan to some.

I think this will be a great experience for my kids. I loved it when I was able to spend time in my grandparents' garden and in the kitchen cooking and eating all the food they grew -- apples, crab apples, peaches, red raspberries, black raspberries, cherries, mulberries, strawberries, lettuces, squashes, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, beans, herbs... so much from that tiny yard. I can hear my Grandpa now, laughing about the new (what he would call) buzzwords "organic" and "green". He would say he has always been green and organic. Of course some of his "green" habits were more about being frugal than saving the planet! :o) I hope my kids will learn more of the science, nature and hard work of food. Gain a greater appreciation for what they have and how we get it, including God's provision. Maybe I will too!

We would love to have our own garden, but it's just not possible where we live. Perhaps one day we’ll find a piece of land to grow our own food.

Another way we will be continuing the more veggies goal, is by growing our own herbs (my oldest gave me an indoor herb garden for Christmas) and adding more sprouts in our diet (and hoping to get around to growing our own).

To expand variety, I am planning to add a few more Japanese and Eastern foods into our diets. I do like many of these foods and my oldest is game to try most things, the others are willing but skeptical. The small rice cooker I received for Christmas also cooks other grains, beans, and steams meat & veggies, so we will be eating a variety of whole grains other than rice, wheat and oats. We've already tried quinoa and everyone loved it! Along with slow cooker, it will be a big help in keeping our commitment to eat at home more with some of the schedule changes coming this year.

For Christmas, my oldest asked to learn to cook. I still do all the cutting with a sharp knife, but we have made a few soups, fritatta, pancakes, french toast, salmon, salad and dressing.... My youngest is also wanting to help more in the kitchen. I'm looking forward to more time in the kitchen with my family!


Frank January 6, 2011 at 10:03 AM  

I am so looking forward to all this as well, especially the farms! We've always wanted to live in the country and this will give us a little taste of that (pun not intended)! Keep this up, dear, and I may get healthy enough to live forever! Thanks for making our meals and experiences so awesome!

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About This Blog

This year, I am resolved to plan and cook more meals at home, to help save our family some money and include a greater variety of fresh produce.

Quick and easy. Healthy and delicious. Inexpensive. Is that too much to ask? Join me on this expedition, if you like.

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